In-Person Weekly Technology Discussions

Come to our weekly technology discussions to get to know smartphones and tablets better. Each class features a handout corresponding to a short lesson on a topic such as QR codes, touch-screen keyboards, or downloading applications. The rest of the time is committed to Q&A so we can provide tailored assistance while learning as a group.

· Class is informal. We “go with the flow.”

· Attendance is optional. You can come every week or just every once in a while.

· Classes are for all levels of technology users.

· Classes include iPad tablets for participants to use for practice.

· Advance registration for attending in-person classes is not required for SBSS members.

Questions? Are you interested in attending, supporting, or partnering with our Tech Initiative?

Do you need to make an appointment with one of our instructors to have your questions answered?

If so, please contact Melissa Rosser, Program Manager - Tech Initiative at (213)712-2053 or

Below are flyers with more information on each class:

ONLINE Technology Courses

SBSS is hosting a series of online technology courses tailored specifically for older adults and caregivers. In these sessions, we will delve into the basics of technology, offering free and easy-to-follow instructions on using smart phones, tablets, and computers. To make education accessible to caregivers of older adults, classes will be available at a variety of times in Spanish, Korean, and English languages.


The classes are designed to: 

  • Share foundational knowledge about features of devices

  • Build upon tech knowledge and skills through exposure to key information

  • Share resources that support engagement and continued learning even after the classes end


Please visit SBSS Website to sign up for online classes

Technology Classes are helping me in every area. I can email people and companies, and get information. When someone asks me to email, I can log on and do that and send replies. Technology is very, very useful.
— Victor A
I appreciated how patient and engaging the Technology Class instructor was. The class has helped me learn new things like how to look topics up on Google.
— Sara H