Founded in 1908, St. Barnabas Senior Services (SBSS) is a nonsectarian, nonprofit organization grounded in the belief that all older adults have the right to age with dignity.
As the oldest senior service agency in LA, SBSS has grown from operating a single senior center in Mid-City to what it is today - a dynamic senior service agency developing new models of care and providing innovative services throughout the Greater Los Angeles Area.
SBSS has sustained services over more than a century of changing needs related to aging.
In fulfilling our mission to empower communities of older adults to Live Well, Feel Well, and Age Well in the community with dignity and respect, we provide services that are culturally-, linguistically-, and generationally-appropriate to the population we serve.
“Thank you St. Barnabas for coming to my aid and being there when I needed it the most, no words can ever explain all the gratitude I feel towards your organization. Thank you for believing in me and never giving up on me.
- Ms. Miller
Who We Serve
Typically, SBSS participants are in their mid-70s, live alone, have few relatives or friends to provide assistance, and speak minimal English. These participants roughly match the demographic profile of this geographic area: 35% Asian, 33% Latino, 25% White, 6% African/American, 1% Other. Most depend on Social Security of $800-$900 per month to cover their expenses, and rely on Medicare and Medicaid for their health coverage. Living at or below the federal poverty level, they lack the resources to meet their basic food, housing, and healthcare needs.
Our comprehensive programming promotes healthy and holistic aging, prolongs independence, and enhances the dignity and overall quality of life for over 18,000 older adults annually.
In the past year we’ve served over 295,000 meals, provided over 9,000 hours of case management, more than 12,000 transportation rides, nearly 300 advocacy and public policy engagements, and over 2,000 wellness classes and activities.
SBSS provides services at various locations throughout Los Angeles County, including 3 senior centers, 9 community meal sites, and numerous senior housing complexes and community facilities.
In every location, program, and activity, SBSS strives to create a vibrant and nurturing community for older adults, their caregivers, and their families.